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The Role of Network Technologies in Preventing Youth Extremism in the Context of Integration of Government and Civil Society’s Activities

Наименование публикации The Role of Network Technologies in Preventing Youth Extremism in the Context of Integration of Government and Civil Society’s Activities
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Shinkaruk V.M., Fantrov P.P., Solovyova N.A. The Role of Network Technologies in Preventing Youth Extremism in the Context of Integration of Government and Civil Society’s Activities // Materials of Conference ISC 2020 “Smart Technologies” for Society, State and Economy”. In Book Series: “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, vol. 155. Springer, 2021. – P. 507-513. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-59126-7_57 (Scopus)
Аннотация Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the necessity for using network technologies for efficient interaction of public authorities and citizens’ association on preventing extremism among the youth. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors use a system of scientific methods that are based on the principles of consistency, institutional approach, and sociological method, which allow determining the role of network technologies that are used in the process of joint activities of government and civil society on preventing youth extremism. Findings: The paper shows that extremism enters the forms of public consciousness and could directly influence the relations between social institutions (public associations, political parties, government structures, confessions, etc.). Thus, the issue of the necessity to use network technologies for preventing various forms of manifestation of extremism is very important. The authors show effectiveness of network crowdsourcing, which purpose of unifying the subjects of prevention of youth extremism for well-coordinated solution to this problem. It is noted that effectiveness of crowdsourcing of network technologies should be measured based not only on the number of determined facts of the extremist nature but also based on quality of dealing with negative consequences that are caused by extremist activities. When evaluating their efficiency, the authors substantiate the effectiveness of implementing the projects “Kiberdruzhina” (Cyber militia), “MediaGvardiya” (Media guard), and “STOPTERROR”, which stimulate the decrease of crime rate of the extremist character. Originality/Value: It is concluded that network technologies are the optimal mechanism for supporting the system of prevention of extremism among the youth, and their development stimulates a clearer expression of citizens’ position on this problem. Their successful implementation into the law enforcement practice will stimulate socialization of the system of prevention of extremism among the youth.
Ключевые cлова Network technologies, “smart” technologies, Prevention of extremism, Youth, Government, Civil society, Slacktivism.
Год публикации 2021
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