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New terms in the information society: nominative characteristics

Наименование публикации New terms in the information society: nominative characteristics
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание 7. Chemeteva Yu., Davydova M. New terms in the information society: nominative characteristics // SHS Web of Conferences. – 2021. – Vol. 109. – Art. No. – 01011. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202110901011.
Аннотация The paper deals with the issue of new terms in the information society. The authors consider the concepts of neologism, legal term and terminoid giving examples. The paper states that currently the process of neologization in the Russian-language legal discourse is characterized by the fact that one of the active sources of terminology are terminoids which initially operate in new fields of law and function for nominating innovative technologies in law. The authors mark two ways of appearing new terms in legal terminology with regard to the language of civil contracts. Focusing on borrowing as one of the most productive sources of replenishing legal terminology, the authors consider new lexemes connected with innovative concepts and digitalization. The paper shows the analysis of terminological units borrowed from the English language. The authors conclude that the current term system of both legal discourse in general and the sphere of civil law in particular is flexible, mobile, susceptible to previously unproductive ways of forming or borrowing terms, and even the use of terms with the preservation of English spelling, as well as metaphor terms.
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Год публикации 2021
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