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Translating travel portal texts: territory branding within globalization

Наименование публикации Translating travel portal texts: territory branding within globalization
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 97. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities" (CILDIAH 2017), Volgograd, 10-12 May, 2017. – pp. 274-279. – DOI:10.2991/cildiah-17.2017.48
Аннотация The paper provides an analysis of the translation of the text content of the travel web portal of Volgograd and the Volgograd region from Russian into English and German from the perspective of globalization and promotion of the region brand. The paper focuses on the principles of functionally equivalent translation aimed at linguo-cultural and pragmatic adaptation of source tourist texts for the global recipient. It has been demonstrated that translator must have a comprehensive strategy to make a globalized version of the travel web portal, that is: to preserve the optimal amount of general information, to eliminate information irrelevant for the global recipient, and, if appropriate, to add more detailed or explanatory information. Adequate translation of text content of multilingual travel web sites promotes Russian tourism and development of regional branding. The results obtained can be applicable in translation training programmes aimed at translation competence development, working out the ability to use language skills effectively and stimulation of critical pragmatic thinking while creating or translating travel texts addressed to a global recipient. The illustrative text material with the explanation of the chosen translation strategies can be used in practical translation exercises.
Ключевые cлова translation, globalization, branding, translation methods, adaptation, global recipient
Год публикации 2017
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