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Representation Of Mnemic Process Of "Memorization" In German: Constant Features

Наименование публикации Representation Of Mnemic Process Of "Memorization" In German: Constant Features
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Representation Of Mnemic Process Of "Memorization" In German: Constant Features // Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 97 (Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities» (CILDIAH 2017)). РР. 233-238. (Publication date - November 2017, ISBN 978-94-6252-414-9, ISSN 2352-5398, URL https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/cildiah-17/25886107) (WOS)
Аннотация The article is devoted to the study of the lexical-semantic representation of the mnemic memorization process in the continuum of the German language. Memory is considered as a dynamic structure, the essential properties of which are reflected in the semantics of verbal constituents. The theoretical basis of the study is represented by the provisions on the language taking part in the experience schematization, on the systemic nature and continuum organization of the language, continuity as an important factor in the language development. The material of the study includes verbal units that form the corresponding nominative and genetic paradigms. Applying complex of analysis methods within the framework of the synchronic semasiological and onomasiological approaches makes it possible to reveal the patterns of representing and the mechanisms of nominating memorization operations in modern German. Cognitive-oriented historical and semasiological analysis within the diachronic approach facilitates determining the original structures of knowledge and ways of semantic schematization of memorization situations. By comparing the obtained results, the constant features of this memory process representation in German are highlighted: the reflection of the units of the denotative situation model in semantics which includes the subject, the object and the process as the core elements; identification of memorization with movement or particular physical action, and memory with space; actualization of the value nature of memory; a high explication degree of this memory operation in the lexical system of the German language
Ключевые cлова representation; paradigmatic grouping; semantic structure; etymon; schematization of experience, knowledge structures; memorization
Год публикации 2017
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