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Status Positions of Courtroom DiscourseParticipants

Наименование публикации Status Positions of Courtroom DiscourseParticipants
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Status Positions of Courtroom DiscourseParticipants//Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 97, 2017. Atlantis Press –pp.209-213
Аннотация The article describes some characteristics of courtroom discourse participants, namely institutional status of a person and its correlations with other statuses in the courtroom communicative space, modality of communicative acts and speech formula, which belong to the courtroom discourse. The social status of a person, as the basic concept in sociology and sociolinguistics, was described by Weber, Parsons, Abrahamson, Bernstein, Harms. In this article, it has been analyzed from the point of view of pragmalinguistics as it is understood by Solan, Karasik, Eades, Wagner, Cheng. The pragmalinguistic approach to the study of the status of a person participating in court proceedings aims to reveal the situational characteristics of equality or inequality relations in courtroom. Status positions of courtroom discourse participants find reflections in certain participant types and communicative trajectories in communicative space, speech act types and their combinations, norms of verbal and non-verbal behavior and rules of communication, speech etiquette conventions, speech acts modality, communicative roles, reaction to role performance, interactional discrimination.
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