Bachelor’s Degree Programs
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Full-time 40.03.01 Law (General Profile) Institute of Law

Linguistics, Philology & Pedagogics

Full-time 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (2 specialisations) (English and German Languages) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
Full-time 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (2 specialisations) (Russian Language and Literature) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
Full-time 45.03.01 Philology (Russian Philology) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
Full-time 45.03.02 Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
Full-time 45.03.03 Fundamental and Applied Linguistics (Linguistics and Communication Technologies) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication

Management & Economics

Full-time 01.03.05 Statistics (Economic Statistics and Data Analysis) Institute of Economics and Management
Full-time 27.03.05 Innovation Studies (Innovative Enterprise Management) Institute of Economics and Management
Full-time 38.03.01 Economics (Economics and Business Planning) Institute of Economics and Management
Full-time 38.03.01 Economics (Entrepreneurial Economics) Institute of Economics and Management
Full-time 38.03.01 Economics (Finance and Credit) Institute of Economics and Management
Full-time 42.03.01 Advertising and Public Relations (Advertising and Public Relations in the Commercial Sphere) Institute of Economics and Management

Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science & Technology

Full-time 01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 02.03.01 Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 02.03.03 Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 03.03.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 03.03.03 Radio Physics Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 09.03.01 Computer Science and Computer Engineering Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 09.03.02 Information Systems and Information Technology Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 09.03.03 Applied Computer Science Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 09.03.04 Software Engineering Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 10.03.01 Information Security Institute of Priority Technologies
Full-time 11.03.01 Radio-Frequency Engineering Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies
Full-time 11.03.02 Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems (Communication Networks and Switching Systems) Institute of Priority Technologies

Media & International Relations

Full-time 41.03.01 Foreign Area Studies (North American Countries (the USA and Canada)) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
Full-time 41.03.05 International Relations (World Political Processes) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
Full-time 42.03.02 Journalism (Journalism in the System of Modern Communications) Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
43.03.02 Tourism (Organization of Tourism Activities) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies

Natural Sciences

Full-time 05.03.01 Geology (Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology) Institute of Natural Sciences
Full-time 05.03.02 Geography (General Geography) Institute of Natural Sciences
Full-time 05.03.06 Ecology and Nature Management Institute of Natural Sciences
Full-time 06.03.01 Biology Institute of Natural Sciences
Full-time 20.03.01 Technosphere Safety Institute of Natural Sciences
Full-time 28.03.01 Nanotechnologies and Microsystems Engineering (Nanotechnologies in Electronics and Microsystems Engineering) Institute of Priority Technologies

Society & Politics

39.03.01 Sociology (Sociological Theory and Applied Social Knowledge) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
39.03.02 Social Work (Social Protection in State and Non-State Sectors) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
Full-time 41.03.04 Political Science (Modern Russian Politics) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
Full-time 46.03.01 History (Russian and World History, Archaeology) Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies
Full-time 37.03.01 Psychology Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies