Устойчивое развитие Волгоградского государственного университета
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VolSU supports the concept of sustainable development, conducting its scientific, educational and economic activities in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals developed by the UN General Assembly in 2015.

  • Environmental awareness and education are among the priority areas of the university activities. As part of teaching specialized environmental disciplines, scientific research is carried out, that allows to improve the environmental situation and increase the eco-consciousness not only in the university students, but also in the citizens of the region.

  • The ‘Eco-Initiative’ Student Ecological Society operates on the basis of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management. Activists of this society hold various environmental campaigns to improve and clean up the campus territory. They also organize various ecological events.

  • The university’s ‘Proryv’ Volunteer Center provides an opportunity for the students or other concerned citizens to became organizers or participants of projects in the fields of community service or environmental protection.

  • VolSU's commitment to the sustainability principles is reflected in high assessment of the experts of the UI GreenMetric world ranking: 202nd place in the world and 5th place in the Russian Federation.

Sustainability policies and strategies of VolSU:

Volgograd State University contributes to the environmental sustainability policy. Within the university, the principle of economy applies (the use of LED lighting and light sensors, sensor faucets, etc.). VolSU informs and supports local and regional structures in the field of early warning of climate change risks and monitors the ecological condition of water bodies in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain. At the moment, the Strategic Development Program of Volgograd State University (2022-2026) is at the stage of approval.

The sustainable development principles of Volgograd State University are reflected in the interaction with suppliers on the basis of legality and transparency, strict compliance with the terms of contracts, compliance of contractors with mandatory requirements of VolSU, including presence of environmental management system.

Volgograd State University takes a responsible approach to investing its funds. Thus, VolSU Endowment Fund was created in 2010. Following the sustainable development policy, the university sees support of students and scientists, investment in educational process modernization and healthy life style promotion as the main goals of the Fund. The Fund actively invests in human capital and is a founder of a number of scholarships and grants. It also participates in various academic mobility programs.

As part of the sustainable development policy, Volgograd State University actively supports its students and scientists. Financial support for the students is provided through social assistance scholarships and increased scholarships. Financial support of students is realized at the expense of funds received from income generating activities, upon the proposal of the Joint Council of VolSU Students or the Trade Union Organization of VolSU Students.

VolSU aims to reward students for their achievements in research, social, cultural, creative or sports activities by providing them with an increased scholarship.

VolSU strives to promote the Russian language among the scientific community in CIS countries. For instance, in September, 2021, dozens of books were donated to Samarkand State University (a partner university of VolSU), including scientific collections in a number of disciplines: linguistics, economics, political science, archaeology, etc.

Since its foundation, Volgograd State University has been promoting the ideas of equality, tolerance and diversity. Students and professors of VolSU must be tolerant and respect customs and traditions of all peoples of Russia and other states, to take cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic, social groups and religions into account, as well as to promote interethnic and interfaith harmony and peace.

Students and professors are to follow the Ethic Codes of VolSU
Volgograd State University implements the inclusive education strategy. The university strived to create accessible environment for people with limited mobility in all campuses. The main university building, the scientific library, the dormitory are equipped with special elevators and restrooms. In order to ensure comfortable environment for its students, VolSU has a portable Braille display, a video magnifier, a radio class with radio microphones, behind-the-ear inductors and hearing loops.

A videoclip on the InterFlorization campaign for greening the university territory, which foreign students also took part in.

Sustainability Report 2022
Report on SDG1: No Poverty

Report on SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing

Report on SDG4: Quality Education

Report on SDG5: Gender Equality

Report on SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Report on SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Report on SDG10: Reduced Inequalities

Report on SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Report on SDG13: Climate Action

Report on SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Report on SDG17: Partnership for the Goals