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Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to Shortwave Solar Fluxes in the Earth’s Atmosphere with Cirrus Cloudiness

Наименование публикации Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to Shortwave Solar Fluxes in the Earth’s Atmosphere with Cirrus Cloudiness
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Firsov, K.M., Chesnokova, T.Yu., Razmolov A.A., Chentsov, A.V., Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to Shortwave Solar Fluxes in the Earth’s Atmosphere with Cirrus Cloudiness // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 2018. V.31. N1. P. 1-8. DOI: 10.1134/S102485601801006
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