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Dynamics of Gaseous Disks in a Non-axisymmetric Dark Halo

Наименование публикации Dynamics of Gaseous Disks in a Non-axisymmetric Dark Halo
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Dynamics of Gaseous Disks in a Non-axisymmetric Dark Halo / A. V. Khoperskov, M. A. Eremin, S. A. Khoperskov, M. A. Butenko, A. G. Morozov // Astronomy Reports. — 2012. — Vol. 56, No. 1. — Pp. 16-28.
Аннотация The dynamics of a galactic disk in a non-axisymmetric (triaxial) dark halo is studied in detail using high-resolution, numerical, hydrodynamical models. A long-lived, two-armed spiral pattern is generated for a wide range of parameters. The spiral structure is global, and the number of turns can be two or three, depending on the model parameters. The morphology and kinematics of the spiral pattern are studied as functions of the halo and disk parameters. The spiral structure rotates slowly, and its angular velocity varies quasi-periodically. Models with differing relative halo masses, halo semi-axis ratios, distributions of matter in the disk, Mach numbers in the gaseous component, and angular rotational velocities of their halos are considered.
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Год публикации 2012
Хоперсков Сергей Александрович
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