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Smart Technologies and Prevention of Extremism Among Young People

Наименование публикации Smart Technologies and Prevention of Extremism Among Young People
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Fantrov P.P., Shinkaruk V.M. Smart Technologies and Prevention of Extremism Among Young People // Materials of Conference ISC 2020 “Smart Technologies” for Society, State and Economy”. In Book Series: “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, vol. 155. Springer, 2021. – P. 665-673. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-59126-7_74 (Scopus)
Аннотация Purpose: This research is aimed at carrying out a comprehensive analysis of application of smart technologies in the context of prevention of extremism among young people. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors of the paper used such methods as general scientific, system, institutional and sociological methods to achieve their target goal; these methods made it possible to describe the role of “smart technologies” for prevention of extremism among young people in the context of consistent interaction of the main actors. Findings: The authors of the paper show that the extremist ideology in the XXI century is being modified and undergoes significant changes. One of its peculiarities is associated with the active involvement of urbanized adolescents and students in destructive extremist activity. Another peculiarity is associated with the movement of extremist activity of young people to virtual relationships through the use of smart technologies. The authors of the paper point out that smart technologies come laden not only with a constructive component of prevention of extremism among young people (allowing law enforcement agencies and patriotic associations of citizens to identify extremist-related web resources), but also a destructive component (arising from their use by radical forces). The authors note that special aspects of implementation of smart technologies have significant effect on the exercise of protective power by the state and the capability of prevention of extremism among young people. “Smart projects” such as “Laplace’s Demon”, Iqbuzz and “Incident Management” are defined in the context of this range of problems. Originality/Value: In order to achieve efficient interaction of authorities in the system of prevention of extremism among young people, the following action must be taken: active implementation of innovative systems to monitor cyberspace which contains extremist content, in all regions of the Russian Federation; expansion of the network crowdsourcing platforms; early detection of financial flows aimed at destabilizing social-political relations.
Ключевые cлова Prevention of extremism, Young people, Smart technologies, Law enforcement agencies, Social networks.
Год публикации 2021
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