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The dynamics of aggregated indicators of efficiency of electricity consumption by Russian regions at the first stage of implementing the energy strate

Наименование публикации The dynamics of aggregated indicators of efficiency of electricity consumption by Russian regions at the first stage of implementing the energy strate
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Bogachkova L.Yu., Khurshudyan Sh.G. The dynamics of aggregated indicators of efficiency of electricity consumption by Russian regions at the first stage of implementing the energy strate // INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON IT, TOURISM, ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURE ITEMA 2017: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Conference Proceedings. Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia Printed by: All in One Print Center, Belgrade. 2017. С. 367-377.
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