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Territorial cluster management digitalization

Наименование публикации Territorial cluster management digitalization
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Buyanova M.E., Shiro M.S. Territorial cluster management digitalization // Proceedings of the Volgograd State University International Scientific Conference "Competitive, Sustainable and Safe Development of the Regional Economy" (CSSDRE 2019). URL:
Аннотация The digitalization process covers all society spheres, in particular, it requires economic systems to restructure and revise traditional approaches to the economic process management. Cluster formations, as well as other systems, are focused on new technology penetration into the mechanism of management and interaction between innovative activity subjects. The main task of the actors responsible for the information flow coordination and the communication link establishment is to create conditions for the favorable functioning of information entities that provide services for the creation of IT-products, data collection, storage and analysis, as well as their dissemination among stakeholders. In this regard, there is a need to develop approaches to the information technology integration with the cluster management system, as well as the revision of existing and potential relationships between the cluster innovation subjects. The existing cluster approach analysis has allowed to identify the innovative activity key subjects that determine the effectiveness of the actors included in the cluster, together with scientific and educational organizations, industrial enterprises, public authorities (regulator), as well as a coordinating body (most often, the Cluster Development Center). Unfortunately, the innovation cluster creation does not pay much attention to the appropriate infrastructure formation.
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Год публикации 2019
Широ М.С.
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