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Improvement of the institutional model: Encouragement of innovative activity as a condition of growth of competitive ability in the regional economy

Наименование публикации Improvement of the institutional model: Encouragement of innovative activity as a condition of growth of competitive ability in the regional economy
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Averina I.S., Buyanova M.E., Khoruzhaya E.Y. Improvement of the institutional model: Encouragement of innovative activity as a condition of growth of competitive ability in the regional economy // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Development of the Regional Economy: Response to Global Challenges" (CSSDRE 2018). URL: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/cssdre-18/25896360
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Год публикации 2018
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