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“Nature” in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa: the Social and Cultural Background of the Notion

Наименование публикации “Nature” in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa: the Social and Cultural Background of the Notion
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание “Nature” in the Philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa: the Social and Cultural Background of the Notion. Nicolaus Cusanus: ein bewundernswerter historischer Brennpunkt. Pilosophische Tradition und wissenschaftliche Rezeption. Akten des Cusanus-Kongresses vom 20. bis 22. September 2006 in St. Peterburg. S. Roderer-Verlag, Regensburg 2008. P. 195 – 203.
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Год публикации 2006
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