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Social and philosophic foundations of youth nonconformity in contemporary Russia

Наименование публикации Social and philosophic foundations of youth nonconformity in contemporary Russia
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Ishmuradova I.I., Grebennikov V.V., Krokhina Ju.A., Pavlenko E.M., Makarova E.V., Solovyeva N.A. Social and philosophic foundations of youth nonconformity in contemporary Russia // European Journal of Science and Theology. 2018. № 6. P. 143-158.
Аннотация The purpose of this article is to consider and analyse various approaches to understand nonconformity in general and in the youth environment in particular in order to synthesize and learn from the data and knowledge obtained, and develop a more general and integrated perspective on its essence, determinacy and manifestation specifics. The results discussed in the paper deal with the social-and-philosophical point of view on the various approaches to understanding nonconformity both in a historical retrospect and in modern science. The study revealed that in recent decades the concept of nonconformity has lost its negative connotation. Different conceptual approaches used in studying the phenomenon indicate its significance in the society and personality development, its innovative potential to create and develop new social values, patterns of behaviour and moral standards in the dynamically changing world. Various forms of nonconformity manifestation specify the particularities of contemporary youth subcultures and their socializing potential. The materials of the paper may be of theoretical and practical value to develop programs and teaching materials on social philosophy, sociology and social psychology, as well as the programs connected with prevention of destructive forms of nonconformity in order to bring the processes of young people‘s social adaptation and socialization into compliance.
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