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Andrey N. Sadkov, Nikolay V. Kotelnikov, Petr M. Filip-pov, Elvira O. Osadchenk Rendering the Cadas-tral Services in the Electronic Form as an Element

Наименование публикации Andrey N. Sadkov, Nikolay V. Kotelnikov, Petr M. Filip-pov, Elvira O. Osadchenk Rendering the Cadas-tral Services in the Electronic Form as an Element
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Andrey N. Sadkov, Nikolay V. Kotelnikov, Petr M. Filip-pov, Elvira O. Osadchenk Rendering the Cadas-tral Services in the Electronic Form as an Element¶of the Private Law Socialization // Competitive Russia: Foresight Model of Eco-nomic and Legal Development in the Digital Age Proceedings of the Inter-national Scientific Conference in Memory of Oleg Inshakov (1952–2018) // Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 //
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