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Simulation modeling of radiation field in biological tissue of mammary gland

Наименование публикации Simulation modeling of radiation field in biological tissue of mammary gland
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Polyakov M.V. Khoperskov A.V. Svetlov A.V. Simulation modeling of radiation field in biological tissue of mammary gland // Journal of Computational and Engineering Mathematics. 2017. Т. 4. № 3. С. 3-10.
Аннотация In this paper we develop a mathematical model of the distribution of microwave electric field in heterogenous biological tissue of mammary gland. We use this model to investigate the efficiency of the medical diagnostic method based on microwave thermometry. Also we run a numerical modeling of electromagnetic field in biotissue of mammary gland for various sets of the spatial structure of biotissue. The small-scale structure is caused by a complex combination of several components: blood flows, fat tissue, muscle tissue, milk lobules, skin. Next we vary in the model the spatial structure of the tissue to evaluate the effect of the heterogeneous structure of the tissue on the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the volume of mammary gland.
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Год публикации 2017
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