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The structure and kinematics of AGN with ionization cones

Наименование публикации The structure and kinematics of AGN with ionization cones
Тип публикации Препринт
Библиографическое описание The structure and kinematics of AGN with ionization cones : preprint / A. V. Moiseev, V. L. Afanasiev, S. N. Dodonov, V. V. Mustsevoi, S. S. Khrapov // Preprint SISSA. — 2000. — Pp. 2000-2008.
Аннотация Results of 2D spectral observations for 4 Sy galaxies with ionization cones are presented. Images in the [OIII] line, velocity fields of the ionized gas, stellar velocity and velocity dispersion fields were obtained at the SAO RAS 6m telescope. Non-circular gas motions and Z-shaped emission filaments could be explained as helical waves located in the ionization cone. This waves are generated by the hydrodynamical instability due to the velocity break between galactic ISM and outflowing matter from the AGN engine. The axis of cone lies close to the direction of a nuclear mini bar.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2000
Moiseev A. V.
Afanasiev V. L.
Dodonov S. N.
Мусцевой Виктор Васильевич
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