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Industrial Regions: Identification, Kinds and Perspectives of “New Industrialization”

Наименование публикации Industrial Regions: Identification, Kinds and Perspectives of “New Industrialization”
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Mitrofanova I.V., Rodionova E.V., Adzhikova A.S., Kantserov R.A., Timacheva E.V. Industrial Regions: Identification, Kinds and Perspectives of “New Industrialization” // 2nd International Scientific Conference on ‘Competitive, Sustainable and Safe Development of the Regional Economy’ (CSSDRE 2019). Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research (AEBMR 2019), vol. 83. Amsterdam-Paris, Atlantic Press, 2019. P. 73-77. DOI:
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Год публикации 2019
Митрофанова Инна Васильевна
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