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The ‘Smart city‘ concept and its implementors: On the way to the information control in Volgograd Russia

Наименование публикации The ‘Smart city‘ concept and its implementors: On the way to the information control in Volgograd Russia
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Inna V. Mitrofanova, Tatjana В. Ivanova, Elena V. Kleitman, Elena R. Mkrtchan. The ‘Smart city‘ concept and its implementors: On the way to the information control in Volgograd Russia // Regional Statistics, 2021. Vol. 11. No.P. 135–146. DOI: 10.15196/ RS110108
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Год публикации 2021
Митрофанова Инна Васильевна
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