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The Development of Self-Management in College

Наименование публикации The Development of Self-Management in College
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание The Development of Self-Management in College. January 2020. Conference: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference 'Anthropogenic Transformation of Geospace: Nature, Economy, Society' (ATG 2019) // author={Zhanna V. Smirnova and Olga I. Vaganova and Olga Valuyskaya and Yu. S. Dzyubenko and Larisa B. Gatsalova}, 2020.
Аннотация Now the aim of the formation of a competent and competitive graduate who is able to adapt to rapidly changing conditions is the main aim because there are lots of innovations in the sphere of education. Educational institutions solve the tasks using all resources. The authors underline professional competencies development can happen both in studying and in other forms at any time. The authors reveal the essence of the growth of student self-management in college as an effective way of necessary competencies evolution. It is noted that self-management at college transforms the traditional system of interaction between the administration and the learners “teacher-student”, turning it into a partnership, where the administration acts as a senior partner coach, which contributes to the more effective development of graduates’ competences. However, the development of conditions for student government should be fairly systematized, so the authors proposed a special model for the development of student self-management in college.
Ключевые cлова self-management, college, competitive graduate, innovations, self-government
Год публикации 2020
Валуйская Ольга Руслановна
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