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Matytsin, D. E. Preventive and Proactive Measures to Protect the Rights of Consumers of Entertainment Services / D. E. Matytsin, A. I. Goncharov, A. O

Наименование публикации Matytsin, D. E. Preventive and Proactive Measures to Protect the Rights of Consumers of Entertainment Services / D. E. Matytsin, A. I. Goncharov, A. O
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Matytsin, D. E. Preventive and Proactive Measures to Protect the Rights of Consumers of Entertainment Services / D. E. Matytsin, A. I. Goncharov, A. O. Inshakova // The Transformation of Social Relationships in Industry 4.0: Economic Security and Legal Prevention. – Charlotte : Information Age Publishing Inc., 2022. – P. 209–220. – (Series: Advances in Research on Russian Business and Management ; vol. 2022).
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Год публикации 2022
Матыцин Денис Евгеньевич
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