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Matytsin, D. E. Blockchain Turnover of Securities Places for Financing Foreign Trade Transactions by the Business Entities under the Jurisdiction of

Наименование публикации Matytsin, D. E. Blockchain Turnover of Securities Places for Financing Foreign Trade Transactions by the Business Entities under the Jurisdiction of
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Matytsin, D. E. Blockchain Turnover of Securities Places for Financing Foreign Trade Transactions by the Business Entities under the Jurisdiction of the EEU and BRICS / D. E. Matytsin // The Transformation of Social Relationships in Industry 4.0: Economic Security and Legal Pre-vention. – Charlotte : Information Age Publishing Inc., 2022. – P. 363–373. – (Series: Advances in Research on Russian Business and Management ; vol. 2022).
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Год публикации 2021
Матыцин Денис Евгеньевич
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