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Role of Irrigation for Field Crops Entomocoenoses Stabilization in Irrigated Agricultural Landscapes of the Lower Volga Region

Наименование публикации Role of Irrigation for Field Crops Entomocoenoses Stabilization in Irrigated Agricultural Landscapes of the Lower Volga Region
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Role of Irrigation for Field Crops Entomocoenoses Stabilization in Irrigated Agricultural Landscapes of the Lower Volga Region//Proceedings of the IV The International Research to Practice Conference "Anthropogenic transformation of geospace: nature, economy, society" October 01-04, 2019 in Volgograd. (ATG2019); AER: Advances in Engineering Research. 2020. Volume 191. ISSN 2352-5401. ISBN 978-94-6252-898-7. (WoS) URL: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/atg-19/125933870 DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/aer.k.200202.038
Аннотация -
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2020
Иванцова Елена Анатольевна
Melikhov V.
Komarova O.
Novikov A.
Komarov E.
Электронная копия публикации -