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Professional translators' ethics in workplace communication

Наименование публикации Professional translators' ethics in workplace communication
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Professional translators ethics in workplace communication Mityagina V.A., Naumova A.P. В сборнике: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. С. 012010.
Аннотация The article deals with the history of the concept of translation ethics in foreign and Russian literature. The understanding of this concept from different points of view is analysed. On the basis of the content of electronic discussion platforms (a group in the social network and professional forums) specific characteristics of translators' workplace communication on ethical issues are highlighted.
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Год публикации 2019
Наумова Анна Петровна
Митягина Вера Александровна
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