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Light bullets in an Bragg environment with carbon nanotubes in the external magnetic field

Наименование публикации Light bullets in an Bragg environment with carbon nanotubes in the external magnetic field
Тип публикации Тезисы
Библиографическое описание Nevzorova Yu.V., Dvuzhilov I.S., Boroznin S.V., Zaporotskova I.V., Belonenko M.B. Light bullets in a Bragg environment with carbon nanotubes in the external magnetic field // EPJ Web of Conferences. 2017. V. 161, P. 02018. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201716102018
Аннотация On the basis of the solution of the collisionless Boltzmann equation for electrons in the conduction band of semiconductor carbon nanotubes, an effective equation for the dynamics of two-dimensional few cycle light pulses (light bullets) is obtained, in the case when the environment into which carbon nanotubes are placed has a spatially modulated refractive index. The distortion of the pulse shape in the presence of a magnetic field is obtained.
Ключевые cлова carbon nanotubes
Год публикации 2017
Запороцкова Ирина Владимировна
Двужилова Юлия Владимировна
Борознин Сергей Владимирович
Двужилов Илья Сергеевич
Белоненко Михаил Борисович
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