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Translation and Localization of Microtoponyms (Based on Russian and English-Language Texts of Online Tourism Discourse)

Наименование публикации Translation and Localization of Microtoponyms (Based on Russian and English-Language Texts of Online Tourism Discourse)
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Romadina (Volkova), I.D. Translation and Localization of Microtoponyms (Based on Russian and English-Language Texts of Online Tourism Discourse) / V.A. Mityagina, I.D. Romadina (Volkova) // X Linguae Journal. - 2017 (April). - Vol. 10. - Iss. 2. - P. 112-124. - DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.02.10 (0,8 п.л.).
Аннотация This article deals with the problem of translation and localization of microtoponyms, which are the names of human-created objects of geographical space such as squares, parks, museums, theaters, avenues within the online tourism discourse. The study of existing techniques of these lexical units’ translation functioning in parallel Russian and English hypertexts, the authors revealed the absence of a uniform approach to the use of the transcription, loan, and description techniques, and proposed a productive from the functional viewpoint method of localization.
Ключевые cлова localization, microtoponym, tourism discourse, translation technique, verbal semiotics
Год публикации 2017
Волкова Ирина Дмитриевна
Митягина Вера Александровна
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