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Application of the Tools of Cognitive Analysis in Formation of Regional System of Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship

Наименование публикации Application of the Tools of Cognitive Analysis in Formation of Regional System of Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Korobov S.A., Moseyko V.O., Novoseltseva E.G., Epinina V.S., Marusinina E.Y. Application of the Tools of Cognitive Analysis in Formation of Regional System of Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship / S.A.Korobov,V.O. Moseyko, E.G.Novoseltseva, V.S.Epinina, E.Y. Marusinina/Russia and the European Union. Development and Perspectives , 2017, Pages 105-112.
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Год публикации 2017
Марусинина Елена Юрьевна
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