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Ways of Increasing Innovative Activityin the Agrarian Sphere as a Basis of Food Security

Наименование публикации Ways of Increasing Innovative Activityin the Agrarian Sphere as a Basis of Food Security
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Larisa V. Popova, Natalya N. Balashova, Tatiana A. Dugina, Natalia V. Gorshkova, and Aksana A. Turgaeva. Ways of Increasing Innovative Activityin the Agrarian Sphere as a Basis of Food Security. Overcoming Uncertainty of Institutional Environment as a Tool of Global Crisis Management// // 2017- p-381-386
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Год публикации 2017
Горшкова Наталья Валерьевна
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