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The operating core of an organization: A constrained optimization model

Наименование публикации The operating core of an organization: A constrained optimization model
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание A. A. Voronin, M. A. Kharitonov The operating core of an organization: A constrained optimization model // Automation and Remote Control, January 2014, Volume 75, Issue 1, pp 167-178
Аннотация This paper suggests a constrained optimization model for the operating core of an organization. Structurally, the core consists of the basic technological module and several modules of support facilities. The production function of the operating core is represented through the superposition of Leontief production functions corresponding to each of the modules. We reduce the optimization problem to a linear programming problem with a parameter describing the operational structure of the core. In addition, we develop a certain algorithm for automatic construction of the basic equations for each value of the parameter. Finally, the optimization problem is solved numerically for a wide range of the model variables and parameters. The proposed model may serve for designing generalized control mechanisms for an organizational system on a large horizon.
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Год публикации 2014
Харитонов Михаил Алексеевич
Воронин Александр Александрович
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