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Budgeting model of structural units based on normative per capita funding

Наименование публикации Budgeting model of structural units based on normative per capita funding
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Budgeting model of structural units based on normative per capita funding / Korolkov S.A., Losev A.G., Reshetnikova I.M., Tarakanov V.V. // European researcher. - 2014. - №. 3-1(70). - P. 498-508.
Аннотация The article is devoted to the elaboration of the methods of financial analysis and educational process management in universities. It was proposed a new method of funds formation of the faculty and academic staff wages. The proposed method allows to find optimal variants for staffing structural units, the efficiency of educational process organization and etc. At the suggesting approaches the financial resources are used more effectively at an educational institution thus it provides a necessary support level of educational quality and it stimulates active research work of the teaching staff.
Ключевые cлова algorithms for financial management of educational establishment, modeling of the process of the university staff formation.
Год публикации 2014
Корольков Сергей Алексеевич
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