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Numerical Modeling of the Evolution of Unstable Modes of Jets from Young Stellar Objects

Наименование публикации Numerical Modeling of the Evolution of Unstable Modes of Jets from Young Stellar Objects
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Kuz’min, N. M. Numerical Modeling of the Evolution of Unstable Modes of Jets from Young Stellar Objects / N. M. Kuz’min, V. V. Mustsevoi, S. S. Khrapov / Astronomy Reports. — 2007. — Vol. 51, No. 12. — Pp. 985-993.
Аннотация We present the results of numerical simulations of radiating nodes in jets outflowing from young stellar objects. The development of the fundamental and first reflection harmonics of the jet during the essentially non-linear stage is considered. We have shown for the first time the possible formation of radiating nodes with diameters smaller than the jet cross section. We describe our numerical code, which makes it possible for this class of problem to maintain a stationary equilibrium in the radial coordinate and minimize the force imbalance resulting from the transfer of stationary distributions along the meridian coordinate in the computational grid.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2007
Кузьмин Николай Михайлович
Мусцевой Виктор Васильевич
Храпов Сергей Сергеевич
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