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King Friedric Wilhelm III and the elective rights of the Prussian citizens in the early XIX century

Наименование публикации King Friedric Wilhelm III and the elective rights of the Prussian citizens in the early XIX century
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Bokov Ju.A. King Friedric Wilhelm III and the elective rights of the Prussian citizens in the early XIX century / Сборник научных трудов Sworld. 2013. Т. 29. № 1. С. 72-75.
Аннотация In 1807 the Prussian king Friedric Wilhelm III, in order to boost the consolidation of the country after the devastating French invasion and humiliating peace treaty, promised to establish representative bodies which could be formed by all the citizens. The king was forced to promise so under the pressure of the situation but he broke his word as soon as an opportunity came because he feared lest the representative bodies limited his power. The investigation is carried out within performing research work on FTsP realization «Scientific and academic and teaching staff of innovative Russia» for 2009-2013, the state contract from 09.06.2010 № P1291.
Ключевые cлова electoral right, Prussia, king Friedric Wilhelm III, representative organ, the Constitution
Год публикации 2013
Боков Юрий Александрович
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