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Self-Consistent Gas and Stellar Dynamics of Disk Galaxies: A Problem of Dark Mass

Наименование публикации Self-Consistent Gas and Stellar Dynamics of Disk Galaxies: A Problem of Dark Mass
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Khoperskov, A. V. Self-Consistent Gas and Stellar Dynamics of Disk Galaxies: A Problem of Dark Mass / Alexander V. Khoperskov, Sergej S. Khrapov // Astrophysical disks. Collective and Stochastic Phenomena // editors : Alexei M. Fridman, Mikhail Ya. Marov, Ilya G. Kovalenko. — 2006. — Volume 337. — Pp. 337-343.
Аннотация We present results of numerical modeling made for the galactic stellar and stellar-gas disk embedded in the spherical halo and bulge. The stellar disk is simulated by N-body system, the equations of hydrodynamics are solved by TVD-method. We used TREEcode-algorithm for calculation of a self-gravity in stellar and gaseous components. The possibility of bars birth in a hot stellar disk because of gravitational instability of a cold gas component is investigated. The conditions of occurrence lopsided-galaxies from a axisymmetric disk as a result of gravitational instability are explored. The self-consistent models of double bars are constructed and the dynamical stability of these structures is discussed.
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Год публикации 2006
Хоперсков Александр Валентинович
Храпов Сергей Сергеевич
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