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Dissipation instabilities in an accretion disk

Наименование публикации Dissipation instabilities in an accretion disk
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Khoperskov, A. V. Dissipation instabilities in an accretion disk / A. V. Khoperskov, S. S. Khrapov // Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. — 1999. — Vol. 18 (1). — Pp. 247-252.
Аннотация The model of a geometrically thin gaseous disk in the external gravitational potential is considered. The dinamics of small nonaxisymmetric perturbations in the plane of the accretion disk with dissipative effects is investigated. It is showed, that conditions of development and parameters of unstable oscillation modes in the opticaly thick accretion disk are strongly depended on the models of viscosity and opacity.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 1999
Хоперсков Александр Валентинович
Храпов Сергей Сергеевич
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