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Extremely short optical pulse in a system of nanotubes with adsorbed hydrogen

Наименование публикации Extremely short optical pulse in a system of nanotubes with adsorbed hydrogen
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Extremely short optical pulse in a system of nanotubes with adsorbed hydrogen / Mikhail B. Belonenko, Alexander S. Popov, Nikolay G. Lebedev, Anastasia V. Pak, Alexander V. Zhukov // Physics Letters A. — 2011. — Vol. 375. — Pp. 946-952.
Аннотация In this Letter we address the system of carbon nanotubes with adsorbed hydrogen, which is a problem of particular practical importance. Based on the periodic Anderson model we describe the electronic subsystem in such a system, so that employing the method of Green functions allowed us to obtain the dispersion law for electrons. In the low-temperature limit we investigated a joint dynamics of electrons and electromagnetic field. The effective equation, which describes the propagation of ultrashort optical pulses, has been derived. We analyze the solutions of this equation and their dependence on the parameters of the problem for a two-dimensional CNT system.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2011
Белоненко Михаил Борисович
Попов Александр Сергеевич
Лебедев Николай Геннадьевич
Тен Анастасия Валерьевна
Жуков Александр Владимирович
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