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Effect of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of donor-acceptor complexes: stochastic simulations an

Наименование публикации Effect of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of donor-acceptor complexes: stochastic simulations an
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Effect of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of donor-acceptor complexes: Stochastic simulations and experiments / Roman G. Fedunov, Serguei V. Feskov, Anatoly I. Ivanov, Olivier Nicolet, Stephane Pages, Eric Vauthey // Journal of Chemical Physics. — 2004. — Vol. 121, Issue 8. — Pp. 3643-3656.
Аннотация The influence of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of excited donor-acceptor complexes has been explored both theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical description involves the explicit treatment of both the optical formation of the nuclear wave packet on the excited free energy surface and its ensuing dynamics. The wave packet motion and the electronic transition are described within the framework of the stochastic point-transition approach. It is shown that the variation of the pulse carrier frequency within the absorption band can significantly change the effective charge recombination dynamics. The mechanism of this phenomenon is analyzed and a semiquantitative interpretation is suggested. The role of the vibrational coherence in the recombination dynamics is discussed. An experimental investigation of the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of two donor-acceptor complexes in valeronitrile also is presented. The decays of the excited state population were found to be highly nonexponential, the degree of non-exponentiality depending on the excitation frequency. For one complex, the charge recombination dynamics was found to slow down upon increasing the excitation frequency, while the opposite behavior was observed with the other complex. These experimental observations follow qualitatively the predictions of the simulations.
Ключевые cлова -
Год публикации 2004
Федунов Роман Геннадиевич
Феськов Сергей Владимирович
Иванов Анатолий Иванович
Nicolet Olivier
Pages Stephane
Vauthey Eric
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