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Volgograd state University as an educational institution of higher education uses electrical and thermal energy saving systems in the process of its economic activity.

Electric energy

Electric load is determined by the lighting system, computer and copying equipment, air conditioning, household appliances and other equipment installed at VolSU.

Organization of economical operation of electrical equipment (timely disconnection of electrical appliances, the use of high-class energy efficiency equipment, etc.) allow to reduce energy consumption.

Lighting systems in all buildings of the University are replaced with energy-efficient led lamps. The automatic centralized and local lighting control systems are installed depending on the conditions of natural lighting with the use of photo-automatic control.

Academic buildings and dormitory have modern elevator equipment with low power consumption.

Thermal energy

In the University there is a gradual replacement of old wooden window units with modern ones with improved thermal insulation properties, which allow to save up to 15% of thermal energy for heating by reducing heat losses through window openings and by reducing infiltration.

In the academic buildings and dormitory was held a modernization of weather-dependent equipment.