Visa, Registration, Health Insurance
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Study Visa

Students from countries with a visa free system with Russia can enter its territory by presenting their passport (the list of countries which have a visa free system with Russia is available on the Russian Foreign Ministry website).  

Persons from countries having no Russia visa-free deals must get a study visa to be entitled to enter the Russian Federation. The visa is arranged on the basis of a visa invitation. You will be issued a single entry study visa valid for 90 days, which will be extended in Volgograd by arranging a visa for the whole period of study. 

We expect you to arrive in Volgograd before the beginning of winter semester (1st of September) or summer semester (10th of February). Worth to mention! Due to visa delay or special study conditions you can come to Volgograd later informing early International office of VolSU about your situation, but no later than 30 business days prior to the expiration of your visa.



Once you have arrived in Russia, you have to register your stay within three days (excluding weekends and holidays) from your arrival.

The purpose of the registration is to notify the immigration authorities about the place of your stay while you're in Russia.  But please keep carefully, don’t loose or throw away your Migration card, it is very important document that is need for registration. Please keep it carefully in your passport.

1) If you stay in the VolSU student dormitory, your Registration will be performed by the university in the Institute of International Education. 

2) If you reside in a hotel/hostel / – the hotel must perform your  Registration right upon your check-in and give you the original FIS Registration Slip (оригинал регистрации с подписью и печатью отеля и штампом МФЦ или инспектора МВД). Always ask your hotel for the slip – you will ultimately need it for your further registration.

3) If you live in a private apartment/flat (own, rent or stay by friends or relatives) – it is the responsibility of your landlord to secure your Registration in this flat each time it is required (check-in and each re-entry to Russia). 

Before you check-in to a private flat, sign a Rental Agreement and pay the rental fee, make sure that your landlord agrees to perform your Registration and that your landlord is authorized to do so.

Important information

Each time you change the place of residence, please inform the Institute of International Education via e-mail This would greatly help us to keep track of your registration and to make sure you avoid any breaches of the Russian federal law. 

The Institute of International Education staff will provide assistance by migration registration.    


Health insurance  

There are two options. Students can either take out the health insurance policy at home (make sure it is valid in Russia) that covers the full study period at VolSU or can apply for a Russian health insurance policy upon arrival in Volgograd in the International Office. To arrange a health insurance policy you just need a passport and a migration card. 

Worth to mention! In accordance with the Russian Federation legislation medical assistance to foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, is provided in conformity with the voluntary health insurance policy, therefore you need to purchase a health insurance policy which covers the whole study period. Acquisition of the insurance policy is the responsibility of the foreign citizen. Absence of medical insurance is violation of the Russian Federation legislation for foreign citizens.