Student Council
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Student Council 

The Student Council of Volgograd State University is a collegial body of the university that allows students, mainly senior students, to co-manage the University. The key mission of the Council is to provide the necessary conditions for the development of the student environment in the interests of students, to defend their rights and provide them with advice and assistance in various matters relating to the educational and extra-curricular processes. 

Абдул.jpg   President of the Student Council

   Abdul Attal Manan, master student at the Institute of Mathematics and Informational Technologies 

   Tel.: (8442) 46-02-87

Tasks of the Council:

1. Ensuring the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of students. 
2. Developing proposals to improve the quality of the educational process taking into account scientific and professional interests of students. 
3. Assistance to the administration, student self-government, student associations of the University in solving educational and scientific tasks,  organization of leisure and everyday life of students, carrying out activities in VolSU, aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. 
4. Strengthening interregional and international relations between different educational organizations.
5. Promotion of socially significant youth initiatives and formation of new student associations. 

For more information visit 

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