Scientific and education centers
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Research and Educational Centers of Volgograd State University

Since April 2009, 21 scientific and educational centers (SEC) and 1 scientific center of RAE, which are structural subdivisions of the university, have been established and operate in VolSU carrying out research in the general scientific direction, training of personnel of the highest scientific qualification. The SECs’ work is focused on the leading scientific schools operating at the university.


  1. Research and Educational Center “Astrophysics”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Prof. I.G. Kovalenko.
  2. Research and Educational Center “Discursive organization of the modern information space of the region”. Headed by PhD in Philology, Prof. N.L. Shamne.
  3. Research and Educational Center “Information and communication systems and networks”. Headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, E.S. Semenov.
  4. Research and Educational Center “Communication and translation in intercultural multi-discursive paradigm”. Headed by PhD in Philology, Prof. V. A. Mityagina.
  5. Research and Educational Center “Laser physics”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Prof. K. M. Firsov.
  6. Research and Educational Center “Modeling and information technologies”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Prof. A.V. Khoperskov.
  7. Research and Educational Center “Modernization of the multidimensional socio-political space of modern Russia”. Headed by PhD in Political Sciences, Prof. S.A. Pankratov.
  8. Research and Educational Center “Modernization of the legal system of contemporary Russia”. Headed by PhD in Law, Prof. A. O. Inshakova.
  9. Research and Educational Center “Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, I.V. Zaporotskova.
  10. Research and Educational Center “Nonlinear geometry analysis”. Headed by PhD in Mathematics, Prof. A.G. Losev.
  11. Research and Educational Center “Psychology: science and practice”. Headed by Candidate of Psycological Sciences, I.V. Cheremisova.
  12. Research and Educational Center "Radiophysics". Headed by PhD in Technical Sciences, Prof. V.V. Yatsyshen.
  13. Research and Educational Center “Region Ecology”. Headed by PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Prof. E.A. Ivantsov.
  14. Research and Educational Center “Region”. Headed by PhD in Economics, Prof. A.E. Kalinina.
  15. Research and Educational Center “The system security of a person and society”. Headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, E. A. Maksimova.
  16. Research and Educational Center “Social Technologies”. Headed by PhD in Social Sciences, Associate Professor, N.A. Skobelina.
  17. Research and Educational Center “Physics of condensed state of a substance”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Prof. N.N. Konobeeva.
  18. Research and Educational Center “Philology and culture”. Headed by PhD in Philology, Associate Prof. D.Yu. Ilyin.
  19. Research and Educational Center “Chemical Physics”. Headed by PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Prof. A.I. Ivanov.
  20. Research and Educational Center “Human in the system of Russian values and institutions”. Headed by PhD , Prof. S.B. Tokareva. 
  21. Research and Educational Center “Economics of nanoindustry”. Headed by PhD in Economics, Prof. O. V. Inshakov.
  22. Research and Educational Center “Economic and Finance literacy”. Headed by Candidate of Economical Sciences, Senior Researcher, E.A. Tikhonovich.
  23. Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education on the basis of Volgograd State University