Museum and collection
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Although our university is very young, it has something to tell and show its visitors.
Foreign delegations, first-year students, schoolchildren, and numerous guests begin their acquaintance with the university by visiting the Museum of History of VolSU.

Museum of University History 

стр 22 (1)

Address: room 2-19G, prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062

Tel: (8442) 40-55-99


Visiting Hours:

8:30 to 17:00, Monday to Thursday

8:30 to 16:00, Friday

Weekends off

Head of the Museum Complex is Gavrilov Dmitry Anatolyevich, Candidate of Juridical  Sciences.

The Museum of VolSU History was opened in May 1997. It houses the main collection with 2509 items and the auxiliary scientific collection with 981 items. It contains unique exhibits of the university which present the history and life of the university: the construction of a university, administration, structural units, scientific and sports activities, faculties and scientific schools. The stands demonstrate materials about the people associated with the history of VolSU: personal items of famous professors and graduates, awards of various levels, original documents and photos. The exposition of the Museum is constantly updated with new exhibits, among which there are gifts from guests of the university, colleagues from Russian and foreign universities.

Museum of Cadet Regiments

стр 22 (2)

       Address: room 4-28 G, prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062

       Tel: (8442) 40-55-99


       Visiting Hours:

       8:30 to 17:00, Monday to Thursday

       8:30 to 16:00, Friday

       Weekends off

The Museum of Cadet Regiments is a museum of military glory and patriotism. It is dedicated to the feat of cadets of military schools, who were sent to Stalingrad (now Volgograd) to strengthen the defense and repel enemy attacks.  

It was opened on the 31st January 1983. The activity of museum foundation was headed by the veterans of the Great Patriotic War: the first chancellor of the university Maxim Zagorulko and university staff members: Nikolay Baibakov and Tamara Kalmykova. The museum houses the main collection with 223 items and the auxiliary scientific collection with 360 items.

All units of the museum were collected by the search group "Vernost`", consisting of the first students of the university. The museum collection includes unique exhibits such as weapons, uniforms, photographs, medals and wartime letters.

Ethnology Museum 

Address: room 2-18 B, prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062фото музея

Tel: (8442) 40-55-22


Visiting Hours:

9:00 to 17:00, Monday to Thursday

9:30 to 16:00, Friday

Weekends off

Exposition contains about 90 items.

The head of the museum is Zolotovsky Vladimir Alekseevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

The Ethnology Museum was founded in 1987 and houses two divisions: the museum of ethnology itself and the museum of the Cossack history. The first one is the lecture room and the archive at the same time. Nowadays it works at the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies.

The interior of the museum is designed in the style of a traditional dwelling of the Don Cossacks. All the exhibits in the museum are truly dating back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. They were collected during ethnology expeditions by the students and the professors of Volgograd State University.

Academician V.I. Borkovsky Research Library


          Address: room 3-16 B, prospect Universitetsky 100, Volgograd, 400062

          Tel: (8442) 46-02-68


          Exposition contains about 5000 items.

          The museum was opened on the initiative of S.P. Lopushanskaya, Doctor of Philology., Professor on January 18, 1985. Nowadays it works at the department of Russian philology and journalism. The head of the museum is Tupikova Natalia Alekseevna, Doctor of Philology.

     V. Borkovsky (1900 – 1982) is an outstanding Soviet scientist and linguist, academician of the Academy of Sciences, Professor. The museum houses the collection of his personal belongings, documents and a library of his works dedicated to the history of language, dialectology, Slavic studies, etc. Besides, the collection contains the books written by the scientist himself, rare and valuable books on the history of Russian language, Slavic philology, unique books in foreign languages, reference books, including defining, spelling, etymological, bilingual dictionaries in Russian and other languages.

All museums offer guided tours for students and guests of Volgograd State University.