International Diversity
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Russia is a multinational and multicultural country. It is worth to note that representatives of all three world religions - Christianity, Islam and Buddhism - live on its territory.

The Volgograd region also has a very diverse ethnic population. Over 40 nationalities live here. 

That is why the Volgograd State University since its foundation has paid much attention to fostering a tolerant attitude by students towards each other and creating an atmosphere of hospitality.

VolSU students and teachers are interested in culture of other countries and are proud of own history and traditions. 
For example the teaching staff of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication prepared a collection of “Tales of the Volgograd Region Peoples”
All tales are written in Russian, but adapted for people for whom the Russian language is not native. Thus, readers will be able to get acquainted with the culture, mentality, literature of 28 people.

During the academic year, the university hosts numerous events such as “Week of Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures”, “Chinese New Year”, “Navruz”, “Literary Evening with a Discussion of Favorite Books of Foreign Authors” etc. 
Since 2016, the Satori club of Japanese language and culture lovers has been working at the university.


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