Volgograd State University entered RAEX 2024 Subject Rankings
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Volgograd State University entered RAEX 2024 Subject Rankings

In 2024, Volgograd State University made its debut in two RAEX Subject Rankings: ‘Pedagogical Education’ and ‘History and Archaeology’. Our university took 17th and 19th place in the rankings respectively.

This is the third iteration of Subject Rankings of Russian universities, published by the RAEX agency. In 2024 the number of assessed fields reached 36 and 170 universities from 43 regions of Russia were included in the lists of the best universities.

Subject Rankings are based on the assessment of three missions of the university - educational, scientific and social. The rankings are based solely on objective indicators and do not use the results of expert surveys.

Subjects Rankings are compiled on the basis of the statistical data of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, bibliometric data providers, the organisers of the ‘I am a Professional’ student competition, the system of monitoring and analysis of media and social media SCAN-Interfax, aggregators of online courses, InformerTechnologies data on website traffic, as well as data from such social networks as YouTube, Telegram and VKontakte.


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