VolSU Centre for Public Diplomacy held a round table discussion
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VolSU Centre for Public Diplomacy held a round table discussion

The VolSU Centre for Public Diplomacy hosted a round table discussion “Russian language as an instrument of intercultural communication”, dedicated to the Day of Slavonic Script and Culture.


The event was opened by Director of the Centre for Public Diplomacy, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Elena Parubochaya. Head of the International Office Larisa Tavkin welcomed the round table participants.

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The round table was held in a face-to-face remote format with the participation of speakers from the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Malaysia. Associate Professor of the Department of History and International Relations Elena Parubochaya gave a report on the history of the holiday.

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PhD, Assoc. Prof. Evgenia Dmitrieva, head of the Department of Russian Philology and Journalism, and PhD, Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Chubay told about the contribution of Volgograd State University to the promotion of the Russian language abroad. Thanks to the “Ambassadors of the Russian Language” volunteer programme, the faculty of the Department of Russian Philology and Journalism organised events and held workshops in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other countries.

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Andrey Potemkin, head of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Malaysia, and Tatyana Vinokurova, head of the Russian Language Teaching and Methodology Centre of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Malaysia, reported on programmes to promote the Russian language in Malaysia.

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Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Glushchenko, head of the Russian Language Department, head of the Resource Centre of the Russkiy Mir Foundation at the University of Jordan, delivered a report titled “Activities to promote the Russian language and culture in Jordan”.Prof. Glushchenko noted that the success of their work is largely related to the development of positive thinking and emotions towards the Russian language and culture. Students from the University of Jordan recited poems in Russian and shared their achievements.

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Irek Zinurov, head of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Azerbaijan, reported on activities to promote the Russian language in the post-Soviet republic. He noted the large number of Russian sectors in Azerbaijani schools. The head of the Department of International Cooperation of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University told about concrete examples of and problems in Russian language and culture promotion.

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The round table participants shared their experience and impressions and outlined further steps for cooperation.

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