Volgograd State University enters Times Higher Education Young University Rankings
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Volgograd State University enters Times Higher Education Young University Rankings

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In 2024, Volgograd State University made its debut in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings and was placed in the 401-500 group.

Рейтинг THE Young University Rankings формируется ежегодно и основывается на данных THE World University Rankings. В рейтинг входят университеты, возраст которых составляет 50 лет или менее. Согласно методике рейтинга, университеты оцениваются по пяти направлениям:
THE Young University Rankings is formed annually and is based on data from THE World University Rankings. The rankings include universities that are 50 years old or younger. According to the ranking methodology, universities are assessed in five areas:

  • Research Quality - 30%. Citation, competitiveness and impact of the university's scientific research are taken into account.
  • Teaching - 29.5%. Teaching reputation, number of students and professors, number of degrees awarded and university income are taken into account.
  • Research Environment - 29%. Research reputation is taken into account, as well as the productivity of research activities and the budget allocated to them by the university.
  • International Outlook - 7.5%. The number of international students and staff is taken into account and the university's international cooperation is assessed.
  • Industry - 4%. The number of university patents and the income from cooperation with industrial companies are taken into account.

Follow the links below to learn more about the ranking methodology and results:

Methodology: read more

Results: read more

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