VolSU students laid floral tributes at the Lysaya Gora memorial complex
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VolSU students laid floral tributes at the Lysaya Gora memorial complex

Today, February 2, is a significant day not only for the Volgograd region, but also for the whole country. On this day, 79 years ago, one of the major battles of the Great Patriotic War — the Battle of Stalingrad — ended. On the eve of this day, activists of student associations and students of Volgograd State University traditionally gathered at the stele at the Lysaya Gora (Bald Mountain) memorial complex to honor the memory of those who lost their lives.

Every year students hold a clean-up at the territory of the monument and lay floral tributes. And this year was no exception for activists of Trade Union Organization of VolSU Students and Student Council.

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“We never forget about this day. Every year we come to the monument and each of us remembers the relatives who defended Stalingrad and our country. It is very important to remember, because there is no future without the past. We have no right to forget the price our ancestors paid for this Victory, this peaceful sky above our heads, under which we can now build our future”, Chairman of the Trade Union Organization of VolSU Students Ruslan Kolobanov shared.

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February 2 is a particularly important day for VolSU students. Our university is located on Lysaya Gora, where the fiercest battles took place during the Battle of Stalingrad. From September, 1942 to January, 1943, soldiers of the 64th Army fought for a height of 14.5 meters. In November, 1968, a 20-meter obelisk was erected here with the words carved on it: “To those who defended peace for future generations, glory and eternal gratitude of the Fatherland to you. Your homeland honors these feats, whose name is immortality”.

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