Springer published VolSU researchers’ articles
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Springer published VolSU researchers’ articles

Springer, an international publishing house of academic journals and books, has published a book entitled "The Modern Издательством Шпрингер опубликована книга с участием ученых ВолГУ.jpgGlobal Economic System: Evolutionary Development vs. Revolutionary Leap". The book is dedicated to the alternative development of the modern global economic system.

The book includes the articles of the following VolSU researchers: Doctor of Economics, Professor Marina Buyanova; Doctor of Economics, Professor Alla Kalinina; Doctor of Law, Professor Agnessa Inshakova; Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Iolanta Baltutyte; Candidate of Economics Denis Matytsin.

The researchers opposed evolutionary development with a revolutionary leap as well as searched for the appropriate way of the world economy development in the present and the future. They also studied the social environment and the people-oriented development of the modern global economic system and analyzed the features of training specialists for the modern global economic system on the basis of the development of professional training and education. Sustainable development, food and energy security are identified as significant benchmarks for the progress of the modern global economic system, innovations and digital technologies are proposed as growth and development drivers.

The new book also examines the institutional framework and legal support for the development of the modern global economic system. Researchers have identified the bases and proposed recommendations for improving state regulation, financial and investment support for integration in the modern global economic system.

The target audience of the book include the researchers who study the features of the development of the global economic system at the current stage and the prospects for its future progress.

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