Top 20 in the National University Ranking
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Top 20 in the National University Ranking

VolSU took the 19th place in the list of 50 Russian universities that implement State and Municipal Management D4E2A8FE_4230_4B7F_93E1_BDB8E44D2FD7.jpgeducational program.

The ranking is presented by the Interfax information group within the framework of the National Ranking of Universities project with the methodological support of the State and Municipal Management section of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for the Economics and Management specialties. Compared with the previous years, master's programs were also included in the ranking in 2020.

Universities assessment was carried out by five indicators: the number of educational programs related to State and Municipal Management; the number of scientific publications in journals indexed by the Scopus (in Public Administration); the number of scientific publications on State and Law in journals approved by Higher Attestation Commission; average article citation on Social Sciences; the ratio of honors alumni graduated from State and Municipal Management.

Rector Prof. Dr. Alla Kalinina highlights that VolSU constantly shows great results participating in the National University Ranking for the third year. This indicates both the high quality of VolSU education and the demand for scientific studies of the researchers.

According to the ranking organizers, the results will be useful for potential applicants and help educational institutions to continue development and improvement of their educational programs.

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